
Dragon Age: Origins Game Review

Yes, this game came out last year, and I am way behind in reviewing it...

That said, this game is amazing!  For those of you that love RPGs you need to check this game out.  I have been a fan of other games by BioWare, but this one takes the cake.  I have been playing it on Xbox 360 which is not my normal platform.  I prefer PC games.

Dragon Age: Origins is a single player game set in the land of Ferelden.  You can choose between three races--Human, Elf, or Dwarf and three classes--Mage, Warrior, or Rogue and you may be male or female.  The choices for your character as in most RPGs will decide your storyline.  The interaction between your character with the supporting characters will also effect the gameplay.  During the course of the game you will be acquiring various party members that will help you in your battle against the Darkspawn.  The Darkspawn are an evil horde that comes once every hundred or so years and brings the Blight with it.  This Blight is a threat to life in Ferelden as all know it.  It threatens to wipe out all that is good in the land.  Your job as a Grey Warden is to gather the support of the people of Ferelden to fight the Blight.

That is the general synopsis which at first read may seem very basic, but it is far from it.  I have only finished gathering the support of the Elves and am in the process of getting the Dwarves to help me and I have played over forty hours of game time.  I might note that I still have two other main places to visit to gather support.  That means that this game easily has over 80 hours of game play.  I have read in some places that there is 120 hours of game time in Dragon Age.

The one thing in this game that seems to be drawing a lot of attention in the geek area is the interaction between your character and party members, just check out some of the youtube videos.  Party Members have an approval rating of you.  The more they approve...the more you can uh...do with them.  This is an interesting part of the game that breaks up all the killing with a little "love."

With the amazing story line and the awesome game interaction, I give Dragon Age: Origin a 9 out of 10.  Why do I only give it a nine?  Well, if it had multiplayer capability it would be a perfect game.  I don't know how many times my husband and I have said, while playing our own individual games, "I wish I could bring your character in to fight these guys with me.  That would be awesome!"

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